
Accompanying young people towards autonomy

Autonomy is a long road to travel, accompanied by family, friends, and various other people who cross our path. Autonomy is measured by the ability to do things by oneself and to make the right decisions later on that help us grow up. As our children move into the adult world, they need guidance, support, and encouragement, and schooling and graduation remain, in the eyes of many parents, the key to successful independence.

The Sainte Constance youth residence is a privileged intermediary housing, serving as a place of learning between the departure of the family and independent housing. Intended for people under 30 years old, at the beginning of their professional life (apprentices, trainees, employees, students), it advises on social and professional integration and accompanies the residents by offering services such as laundry, catering, cultural and sports activities.

Our professionals lead individuals in their personal development. They participate in the improvement of the local environment, propose activities (leisure or educational) and contribute to the success of collective projects (integration, actions related to sociability and social link…). The specificity of the FJT lies in the fact that the residents establish relationships with each other from which they benefit : the activity itself, personal development and the strengthening of their social network.

Youth at the heart of our concerns